Data & Intelligence
Our aim is to ensure that national policy and local practice are informed by hard evidence based on both data and people’s experiences of providing and accessing adult end of life and palliative care services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland*.
Data collection and analysis is one of our core roles. This includes:
- Building a better picture of service provision in specialist palliative care, through our national Minimum Data Set (MDS) collection
- Collecting information about the people currently working in specialist palliative care to support workforce planning
- Monitoring whether funding ear-marked for national strategies is actually used to improve end of life care
Our intelligence and data we collect is fed into our publications, events and wider policy work and ensures that everything NCPC does is evidence-based.
We are also delighted to be supporting and working with the new National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (NEoLCIN), which aims to create a national data repository for end of life care to enable services to be developed and improved.
* Our sister organisation, Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care, covers Scotland and ACT covers palliative care for children and young people.
Influence local decision makers
We have designed a toolkit to empower local people to push for the right end of life care services following reform of the health and social care system.