Making Choice Happen - Programme

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Making Choice Happen: Delivering quality end of life care to make choice a reality for everyone
09.00 Registration, refreshments and exhibition
09.40 Chair’s Welcome
Claire Henry MBE, Chief Executive, The National Council for Palliative Care & Dying Matters
09.45 Key Note Speech: Priorities for choice at the end of life
Ben Gummer, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Care Quality
10.10 What does choice for care at the end of life mean?
Dr David Brooks, Macmillan Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Chesterfield Royal Hospital
10.30 Fostering the development of choice in the community and measuring its impact
Professor Julia Verne, Head of Clinical Epidemiology and Clinical Lead - National End of Life Care Intelligence Network, Public Health England
10.50 The impact of choice - panel discussion with people with personal experience
Including ‘I Didn’t Want That’ film presentation
Lynn Cawley, End of life campaigner and chaplain to a homeless community
Helen Findlay, Ex-carer; campaigner to improve end of life care and PhD candidate on service user involvement in palliative care; Member of the Choice at the End of Life Independent Review Panel
Harvey Ward, RCGP’s Lay Chair - Patients and Carers Partnership Group and member of NCPC’s People in Partnership group
June Hennell, Guest Lecturer in Dementia; Member of GAP, Worldwide Global Action for Personhood in Dementia
11.20 Coffee and exhibition
11.40 Workshop Sessions 1 – Practical delivery of choice for end of life care
Workshop A: Cost of delivering choice
Simon Jones, Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Marie Curie
Workshop B: Commissioning for choice
Paul Hayes, End of Life Programme Lead, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Workshop C: Using technology to deliver choice
Claire Pearson, VitruCare Project Manager, Sue Ryder
Workshop D: Having meaningful conversations to support choice
Jo Wilson, Macmillan Consultant Nurse Practitioner, Frimley Health Foundation Trust
12.40 Lunch and Poster Session (13.15-13.35)
1.40 Workshop Sessions 2 - Repeat of above
2.40 Coffee & exhibition
3.00 Afternoon Chair’s Welcome
Sally Picken, Business Development Manager - Palliative Care, Sue Ryder
3.05 Sharing knowledge of person-centred care coordination for choice at the end of life
Dr Gemima Fitzgerald, Clinical Psychologist, The Rowans Hospice & Kay McConville, Heath Centre Manager, The Rowans Hospice
Yvonne Martin, Director of Nursing, Foyle Hospice, Northern Ireland
3.35 Supporting carers’ needs and involving them in discussions about care
Jen Kenward, Head of Patient Experience, Community, Primary & Integrated Care, Nursing Directorate, NHS England
3.55 Q&A - Afternoon speakers
4.10 Call to action: how we can make choice happen
Professor Rob George, Medical Director, St Christophers’ Hospice; Professor Palliative Care, Cicely Saunders Institute, KCL; President, Association for Palliative Medicine of GB & Ireland
4.25 Chair's closing remarks