Care To Learn training

Many people feel scared and overwhelmed when caring for people at the end of their lives. By providing staff with fundamental skills as an integral part of good care and support, we can improve people’s quality of life at the end of life.
NCPC’s Care to Learn training programme was first launched five years ago and has been a popular resource for training people who are new to the sector.
Following significant recent changes within palliative and end of life care (and in the wider health and social care landscape), and in response to feedback from those who have used Care To Learn, the programme has been subject to a thorough process of revision and updates. The format has also been changed so that it is now presented in two A4 booklets - one for students and one for mentors.
Care To Learn is designed to help staff improve end of life care. It provides an introduction to good practice, and is flexible so that it can be tailored to each individual learner, organisation or locality.
It is aimed at Health Care Assistants and direct care staff across all settings including hospitals, hospices, care homes, the individual’s home or in housing schemes. Qualified nursing staff moving into end of life care for the first time will also benefit from using the programme. Other qualified direct care staff and managers of services may also find it useful for induction or refresher training as each module can be used as a standalone resource, although the main benefit of the programme comes from working through each of the modules.
The accompanying Mentor’s Guide provides guidance for the mentor by highlighting what they should be looking for when having discussions with the learner and how they can offer on-going support. Support throughout the modules from a mentor who is either a line manager or a more experienced colleague will be key in embedding the learning, changing attitudes and improving the quality of end of life services.
If a number of learners are in the same setting and are working together as a learning set NCPC can arrange topic focussed workshops delivered by experts to explore subjects in more depth, provide opportunities to learn from colleagues and consolidate learning.
NCPC is grateful to the Shaw Foundation whose financial support has made the updated Care to Learn possible.
Costs are:
Non-members: £39.99
Members: £19.99
For information on how to purchase, please contact Sylvia on