Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound is a 30 minute play performed by two actors and professionally directed.
Dame Judi Dench, Patron of The National Council for Palliative Care is delighted to learn that live drama is now being actively promoted to help professionals and public alike to understand the importance of good quality end of life care through three specially commissioned plays by the playwright Brian Daniels.
It tells the true story of Lesley and her husband Seth Goodburn. At 49 years old, Seth was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer following a short history of feeling unwell. He died just 33 days after diagnosis.
The play draws its content from a series of letters written by Lesley before and after Seth's untimely death. She articulates the journey from the first signs of his illness, through diagnosis, care and treatment and after his death at their local NHS Hospital.
The primary objectives shared in the play are:
- to raise awareness about the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer
- understand the human impact of late diagnosis of disease on an individual and those important to them
- to improve communication between professionals and individuals with life-limiting illness and their families and ensuring involvement and shared decision making
- to improve the quality and experience of palliative and end of life care for people affected by pancreatic cancer
The play takes place predominantly in two locations; home and hospital, and portrays the very real challenges that care and treatment can bring importantly the need for compassion, care and choice to be present throughout.
This makes it the ideal resource for hospitals, trusts and universities to highlight the need for understanding of individuals in end of life care issues.
The playwright, Brian Daniels, has developed the play by drawing on the original content of the letters to represent Lesley and Seth's experiences, with some generalisation to support wider applicability.
Brian has also written and adapted for the NCPC 'Don't Leave Me Now' a play about early onset dementia and 'Bounce Back Boy' about young people and palliative care.
Homeward Bound is funded by NHS England
For more information or booking, please contact dramaevents@ncpc.org.uk
For information on the educational resource pack, please click here