Controlled Drugs: Safe Use, Prescribing and Management
Monday 16 January 2017
De Vere West One, London
This conference focuses on the safe use, prescribing and management of controlled drugs including implementing the 2016 NICE guidance on the safe use and management of controlled drugs. NICE stated that the new guidance will help health and social care professionals negotiate complex legislation and regulations to ensure they are doing all they can to care for patients being treated with controlled drugs. Through national updates, expert sessions and practical case studies the conference will support you to deliver the new NICE recommendations in practice. In addition, the conference will include extended update sessions on prescribing controlled drugs (for medical and non medical prescribers), developing the role of the Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer, and reporting and investigating concerns and incidents.
For further information and to book your place visit www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/controlled-drugs-prescribing-and-management or email nicki@hc-uk.org.uk
Follow the conference on Twitter #controlleddrugs
Introductions to Pallaitive Care & Essentials of Spiritual Care
Date: 19th January 2017
Cost: £95 (includes refreshments & lunch)
Venue: Sobell Study Centre, Oxford
This course is for all health and social care staff who wish to develop their
understanding of palliative and end of life care, and consider how the essential
practice of offering spiritual care can be integrated into everyday practice
Transforming End of Life Care in Acute Hospitals
Friday 20 January 2017
De Vere West One, London
This conference focuses on improving end of life care for people in hospital. Through national updates and learning from the NHS Transform Programme, and case studies demonstrating improvement in practice the conference will support you to meet the six national ambitions for end of life care within hospital, and improve care and outcomes for patients and their families.
For further information and to book your place visit www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/transforming-end-of-life-care-in-acute-hospitals or email nicki@hc-uk.org.uk
Follow this conference on Twitter #EndofLifeHospitals
End of Life Care: Advanced Legal Issues Masterclass
Friday 27 January 2017
De Vere, West One, London
This one-day interactive masterclass will provide healthcare practitioners involved in palliative and elderly care an in-depth knowledge of the legal framework for end of life care. To enable delegates to maximise the benefit from this masterclass, they will need a good understanding of mental capacity, the Mental Health Act, common law framework and best interests. They must also understand the DoLS assessments and process.
For further information and to book your place visit www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/end-of-life-care-advanced-legal-issues-masterclass or email hanisha@hc-uk.org.uk
Spiritual Distress at the End of Life
Date: 9th February 2017
Cost: £95 (includes refreshments & lunch)
Venue: Sobell Study Centre, Oxford
Living with a life-limiting illness raises many issues for those who are dying, their families and their faith communities; those in a caring role may have some difficult and distressing conversations when a person is dying. This day aims to increase confidence and skills in having conversations with those who are dying and their families, as well as exploring the vast subject of suffering and our reactions when we are in the presence of one who suffers. We will explore helpful ways of responding to spiritual distress and offering support.
Better transfers of care for older people
Date: 21st February 2017
Venue: The King's Fund, London
Drawing on the findings from recent reports by The King’s Fund, Healthwatch England, the National Audit Office, the Care Quality Commission and the Parliamentary and Health Services Ombudsman (PHSO), this event will explore new ways of ensuring older people experience a safe, appropriate and timely discharge that is right for them and their health needs.
For more information, follow this link
Effective Non-Medical Prescribing in End of Life Care
Date: 24th February 2017
Venue: De Vere West One Conference Centre, London
This conference focuses on the important issue of Nurse/Non Medical Prescribing in End of Life Care. It is widely recognized that pain and symptom control at the end of life is not always optimal, the development of non medical/nurse prescribing has a key role in improving pain and symptom control for patients at the end of life. The conference, which includes national updates, extended in depth sessions and case studies will focus on developing your skills as a non- medical/nurse prescriber in end of life care.
www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/nonmedical-prescribing-in-end-of-life-care or email hanisha@hc-uk.org.uk
Follow the conference on Twitter #NMPEndofLife
Death and Dying: Real Life Experiences
Date: 28th February 2017
Cost: £95 (includes refreshments & lunch)
Venue: Sobell Study Centre, Oxford
This study day will concentrate on utilising real life experiences of palliative care patients, family, carers, and professionals. It will highlight the positive and negative experiences of these patients and carers.
For more information, visit www.sobelleducation.org.uk
End of Life Care: Legal Issues Masterclass
Date: 13th March 2017
Venue: De Vere West One Conference Centre, London
This one-day course will provide healthcare practitioners involved in palliative and elderly care an introduction to the legal framework in which they practice. The day will cover the basic statutory and common law framework that governs how a healthcare professional can treat and care for those at the end of their lives. Through case studies the implications of best interest assessments and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) will be explored.
For further information and to book your place visit
www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/end-of-life-care-legal-issues-masterclass or email hanisha@hc-uk.org.uk
Grief, Bereavement and Cultural Aspects of End of Life Care
Date: 16th March 2017
Cost: £95 (includes refreshments & lunch)
Venue: Sobell Study Centre, Oxford
This day will be of particular interest to those who offer care to patients and families approaching the end of life, from acute, community and social care settings.
We will consider how health and care staff can support people both
anticipating bereavement and managing an imminent death. We aim to develop
understanding of the diversity of grief and coping styles, develop awareness of risk factors associated with complicated grief and the resources available to bereaved people so that we can give accurate information.
Association for Palliative Medicine Conference
Date: 30th/31st March
Venue: Belfast Waterfront
Abstract submissions until 31st December
Early Bird rates until 13th January
For more information and registration, please follow this link
Symptom Management and Emergencies in End of Life Care
Date: 6th April 2017
Cost: £95 (includes refreshments & lunch)
Venue: Sobell Study Centre, Oxford
Due to an aging population living with co-morbidities, nurses require confidence in their ability to offer end of life care which is of a high quality. Whatever setting or ward area, patients will be cared for who are approaching the end of life.
Introduction to Palliative Rehabilitation
Date: 27th April 2017
Cost: £95 (includes refreshments & lunch)
Venue: Sobell Study Centre, Oxford
With improvements in treatments and management there are an ever increasing number of patients that fall under the “palliative” heading. This patient group can benefit a great deal from therapy input, but they can have complex needs, and at times those that do not work with this patient group on a fairly regular basis may feel they lack confidence in working with them.
For more information, please visit www.sobelleducation.org.uk
Communication Skills and Advance Care Planning
Date: 18th May 2017
Cost: £95 (includes refreshments & lunch)
Venue: Sobell Study Centre, Oxford
This course is for all health and social care staff who wish to improve their face to face communication skills with patients/clients and those important to them, and who may be involved in helping people to plan for their future care.
EAPC 2017-World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care on Thursday May 18th - Saturday May 20th
The congress will cover all aspects of palliative care including pain and symptom management, cost-effectiveness of palliative care, complementary medicines.
Venue: IFEMA Feria de Madrid
Address: North Convention Center, Avda. del Partenón 5, Madrid, Spain
Contact: eapc2017@interplan.de
Website: http://www.eapc-2017.org/