Share your story

A central part of NCPC's work is listening to what people with personal experience of palliative and end of life care have to say.  Please use the form below to share your experiences with others.

For general information about dying, death and bereavement please visit

If you need help and advice about a personal issue you can call the Marie Curie Support line on 0800 090 2309 or visit

Your Story

Maximum 1000 words

Maximum 1000 words

Your details

If you’d like to know more about getting involved with our work please fill in your contact details below.

NCPC may use the information that you provide in our work, but we will ensure that it remains anonymous, unless you tell us otherwise. Examples of this might include using anonymised extracts from your story in our publications or in presentations. NCPC will never give your personal details to a third party or publish them in any other way.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact Louise Palmer on

Unfortunately NCPC is unable to give advice or comment on individual cases, but any information submitted will be used to help us better understand peoples' palliative and end of life care needs.