NCPC/Royal College of Nursing joint workshops - Let's Talk About End of Life Care
The RCN and NCPC ran a series of regional workshops in 2016 on caring for people at the end of their lives.
Workshop One
Date: 20th September
Location: Peterborough
Resource One - Slides
Resource Two - Lesley Goodburn talk
Resource three - Flip Chart Notes
Date: 20th September
Location: Peterborough
Resource One - Slides
Resource Two - Lesley Goodburn talk
Resource three - Flip Chart Notes
Workshop two
Date: 19th October 2016
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Resource One - Dr Kathryn Mannix
Resource Two - Jo Atkinson
Resource Three - Meg Burton and Debbie Hodge
Resource Four - St John's Hospice
Workshop three
Date: 1st November 2016
Location: Torquay
Resource One - Bereavement
Resource Two - Welcome to Rowcroft Hospice
Resource Three - MCA in Action
Resource Four - Resiliance and Support
Resource Five - Spirituality and End of Life Care
Resource Six - Five Priorities for Care
Workshop four
Date: 30th November 2016
Location: Glasgow
Resource One - Amanda Cheesley Chair's Introduction
Resource Two - Corinna Robertson and Sharon Ballingall Mental Capacity Act
Resource Three - Mark Evans Bereavement
Resource Four - RCN Workshop Speech Peterborough
Resource Five - Sheila Mitchell Spirituality and Resilience in End of Life Care
Workshop five
Date: 8th December
Location: London
Resource One -Baroness Ilora Finlay - Mental Capacity Act
Resource Two - Gemima Fitzgerald
Resource Three - Professor Wilf McSherry
Event contact: Liz Russ, or call 0207 647 3591