Working together resource pack

Working together: Improving end of life care through better integration
NCPC worked with Skills for Care, Skills for Health and Health Education North Central East London to develop the below resources and films.
A training pack called ‘Working together: Improving end of life care through better integration’ aims to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of working together to support people at the end of their lives.
It is the result of a project that aimed to provide guidance to people working in both health and social care settings by finding out what mattered most to people. To achieve this, Skills for Care & Skills for Health developed a network of Champions who were committed to improving end of life care, bringing them together in a series of workshops.
With input from the Champions we developed the following resources which can be downloaded by clicking on the links below:
- Guidance on how to use the resources
- A film called ‘It helps to talk’ - although fictitious, the film is based on the experiences of real people. It tells the story of a person with Motor Neurone Disease who conveys her end of life wishes to her son and sister. It depicts how lack of communication between front line workers can cause unnecessary stress and upset to everyone involved
- PowerPoint – which is a ready-made presentation so that people can carry out the training themselves, including guidance notes
- Front line sessions – facilitator guidance
- A handout describing the key messages
- An interactive PDF titled ‘Practical messages for front line workers’
- A project summary detailing how the materials were developed.
Understanding different job roles
It is essential that people in different job roles work together in order to provide excellent end of life care, including the person who is dying and their carer. As a result of feedback from the same project, which is outlined above, a film and accompanying booklet has been produced which describes all of the different job roles that may be involved and what needs to happen to make sure that everyone works together to provide the best care that they can.
Film - ‘Understanding roles – working together for better end of life care’